Simple Steps on How to winterize the washer

It's that time of year again when you need to winterize the washing machine. Although not required to do this, it really helps to prolong the life of the laundry equipment. Instead, purchase a replacement soon, you would want to use your existing washing longer maintain it properly.

It should winterize the washer when it is installed in the basement or in the garage. The temperature in these areas of the house is generally not controllable. Moreover, the tap water may contain hard minerals can cause mineral build up in the pipes or hoses of the machine.

Without further ado, here are the simple steps on how to winterize your washing machine

Step 1. Don protective equipment like gloves. This prevents damage to the hands of chemicals. If you are sensitive to chemicals, wear rubber gloves.

Step 2: Turn off the washing machine and choose a quick rinse hot water temperature. It can only run the washing a half minutes, just enough so that the water runs through the machine.

Step 3: Turn off the faucet or water source to the machine. This will cut off the water supply.

Step 4: Remove the water pipes. Make sure you have an empty bucket or a specific absorbent towel to catch any excess water that is dripping with water hoses. Remove excess water.

Step 5: You have to create the warming solution. Try Propylene glycol solution. This is often used as an anti-freeze solution RVS. Measure and pour a liter of solution in the washing drum.

Step 6: Turn off the machine and select the drain and spin. No need for water supply. You just let the propylene glycol solution within the system to run the machine.

Step 7: Once the machine has passed the glycol solution, clean the filter element and the openings of the machine. Rinse the filter with soap and water to remove debris and build or mineral.

Step 8: When you are done cleaning the filter, attach the hose to the tap. Do not attach the hose to the back of the machine yet.

Step 9: Open the tap and let the water wash the inner tube.

Step 10: After cleaning, connect the hoses to the rear of the machine.

Step 11: Run an empty water cycle and add a cup of laundry detergent. Let me wash the inside of the machine.

Source by Alan Cassidy

Drinking, hemorrhoids and alcohol consumption

There are a lot divided by the contact with drinking water, hemorrhoids (piles) and excessive alcohol consumption. The media, health and a healthy lifestyle blogs continually remind people to drink more water for better health.

we all know, water is better for us than soda, sugary drinks, and all other liquids most people prefer to drink than plain water. But they all have cravings. I used to drink a lot of soda thinking I was getting enough water.

These are the same medical sources warn that excessive consumption of alcohol and hemorrhoids painful reality in many heavy drinkers. Piles inflamed rectum blood vessels grow in small or large masses or outside the anus.

They are commonly known as internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids and the internal hemorrhoids or external. Hemorrhoid symptoms are chronic itching in and around the anal cavity. They can cause burning stabbing pain that walking or even sitting extremely painful. Severe inflammation of the rectal veins can cause bleeding in the anal region can be daunting.

Let & # 39; and check out the drinking, alcohol abuse and hemorrhoids a closer look.

Drinking and hemorrhoids

Water is essential for digestion, nutrient absorption and waste elimination through the physical urination and defecation. Health experts recommend as a general rule of thumb is to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day. If you & # 39; exercising or losing fluids faster you & # 39; ll need to drink more, but the rule "8 x 8" is a good gauge track.

Drinking water helps prevent chronic constipation, which plays a major role in developing piles. Straining when passing a bowel movement can lead to varicose veins of blood around the anal region. When a person & # 39; s body is not properly hydrated drinking enough water Constipation can occur to cause painful hemorrhoids develop internally or externally.

dehydration is a major contributor to hemorrhoids. Drinking plenty of water can greatly reduce the risk of this condition that effects millions of people every year. This caused digestive problems due to poor body hydration. You will be surprised at how many cases could be prevented in the "8×8" rule.

Chronic diarrhea another major cause of piles forming. Diarrhoea & # 39; and convulsive movements adds a lot of unhealthy pressure on the anus can cause straining, such as constipation. Strong pressure on the anal spasm that can cause inflamed rectum in addition to cracks in the anal veins.

When people develop hemorrhoids, doctors always tell them to drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins while maintaining a healthy digestive system to prevent future outbreaks.

If you do not like the taste of tap water or want to live in an environmentally friendly avoiding bottled water, invest in affordable water purifier in the kitchen tap.

The former hemorrhoid sufferer who went through laser surgery in Los Angeles, I make sure I drink plenty of water daily. Hydrate to beat them!

The abuse of alcohol and hemorrhoids

Absolutely I'm not telling people not to drink. I enjoy a glass of red wine with dinner most nights. My doctor told me it was good for my heart rate. If you & # 39; m at a dinner party I & # 39; s not uncommon to have two or three glasses of red wine while the good company.

When you go fishing or camping with family and friends enjoy it more than a couple of bottles of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. As the & # 39; I've got older in life & # 39; I learned my drinking limits and not whether or not to push the abuse of alcohol.

If the excessive consumption of alcohol and the hemorrhoid becomes a dangerous mix when heavy or binge drinking. College was the first experience of alcohol abuse and the pile. I'm not drinking enough water or eating right. my sophomore year I worked very small external hemorrhoids.

Does it still hurt like a bee sting itchy hot, and I was embarrassed to tell my friends. My parents took me to a doctor, who prescribed me a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to treat and eliminate it. The increase was very small, and at the time, so they can be treated without surgery or banding. There are many other excellent products can be purchased online hemorrhoid alleviation and treatment of hemorrhoids.

Alcohol dehydrates the body is sick and deprived of valuable vitamins. Most people, when they drink alcohol beverages leave between drinking alcohol and do not take vitamin a day or night of drinking.

Heavy drinkers have a better chance of rectal this condition because of lack of alcohol dehydration and vitamins in their body. It & # 39; s proposed to 4 hours prior to the consumption of alcohol in a multivitamin. If you drink alcohol, make sure that the vitamins.

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause severe constipation and small, dry stools that hard to pass during bowel movements. The strain and pressure to pass a bowel movement because of the veins around the anus and inflamed. This is a key factor is that the internal and external hemorrhoids developing.

People that consume too much alcohol will often experience digestive and bowel problems. This is because any common form of alcohol (beer, wine, whiskey, etc.) acts as a diuretic to dry up drinking alcohol.

Those who experience constipation is usually dehydrated, and is forced to severely strain when passing a bowel movement. Binge drinking is also very high blood pressure, which in turn increases the pressure on delicate veins and around the anus.

The important thing is to drink water even if you & # 39; stay well hydrated alcohol. Dehydration, constipation and diarrhea contributes to a strong risk of hemorrhoids or it may be that the current status of hemorrhoids worse. Water is your friend when the hemorrhoids. The abuse of alcohol and hemorrhoids are two things to avoid if you can.

Source by Winston Cook

Tri-halogen shower filters and water filters, which remove the APR APR

The threat tri-halo (APR)
It & # 39; and proved that all the plumbing system includes at least some kind of an unhealthy chemical. But study after study reveals that the norm for the city or municipal water to dozens of dangerous contaminants. Society literally adds hundreds of hazardous chemicals each year, and many of them make their way to the water we use to drink, shower, bathe and cook together. Current EPA regulations to require testing only about 90 of those chemicals.

A geological study of Southern California found that groundwater contained traces of nearly 40 industrial chemicals and pesticides 20. The reality is that & # 39; d fortunate to have a chemical floating in the water. Most people are aware of the dangers of chlorine, but a chemical called tri-halo (APR) will make news because studies have shown that there may be more dangerous than chlorine. The recently announced by the Department of Water Frankford Delaware Division of Public Health that the water exceeds the Environmental Protection Agency & # 39; s maximum permitted levels of THM. The residents upset and wondering what you'll likely. What is it and how to get rid of him.

How APR is created
Trihalomethanes are caused when a disinfectant, mostly commonly chlorine interacts with bacteria or other organic materials. These other materials include hair follicles, skin particles and substances such as sweat. The resulting reaction creates a tri-halo, a very strong carcinogenic hazard to finally come out of the sink and shower heads. Chloroform example of this harmful toxin. The exposure is itself a threat to serious health conditions such as asthma and cancer. APR may also develop in the body, and women with breast cancer showed higher levels of these chlorinated compounds (or from organic chlorine) in their tissues.

The water filter solution
Fortunately, advances water filtration technology made it possible to filter the APR and make the water safe. The US EPA recognizes granular activated carbon (GAC) as the best available technology for filtering out dangerous chemicals and other volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) and synthetic chemicals.

removing the best home water purification methods THMs and other chemicals, a whole house water filters, shower filters and water filters. In fact, these are precisely the three products Mehment Dr. Oz said it was vitally important to the health of the show. Dr. Oz noted that the Rhino whole house water filtration system was the most effective but also the most expensive. Even more interesting was to emphasize the importance of AQ-4105 shower filter. In the following paragraphs I & # 39; ll discuss why it is so important a shower filtration system to clean the water contaminated with THMs and other contaminants.

What type of water filtration products to consider
When taking steps to eliminate the threat of THM and other synthetic or organic chemicals that must be treated like the whole house, or pins and. The quality of whole house water filter offers the best filtration efficiency, but not cheap. The next best solution is a point-of-use water filters and shower filters. While the filter from the water in the basin is incredibly important, research has shown that the shower can pose a greater threat. A hot shower opens the pores of the skin, which is the rate of absorption of chlorine and chemicals such as tri-halogen speed up. The alarming reality is that the steam can be inhaled by THM concentrations that are several times higher than in unheated tap water.

Since the APR is only one chemical, it makes no sense that a filter material, which specializes in the removal. Therefore, the two-stage or multi-stage water filtration system for both the shower and sink. The dual filter that combines a wide range of carbon and KDF media is recognized as the most effective filtering technology to flooding.

own drinking water, carbon filtration is necessary. However, some companies approach a "better safe than sorry" and no longer use KDF-55 Filters for drinking water. The reason that the KDF natural copper / zinc mineral media and consumers a high level of copper in the brain is not good. Instead, look drinking filter, such as a counter top AQ-4000, which combines multi-stage filtration and most efficient technologies currently available: mechanical filtering (filtering off to.5 microns), adsorption (pollutants bond chemically or physically to the surface of the GAC filter media ) and ion exchange (replaces healthy damaging lead ions, potassium ions).

Fortunately, two-stage multi-stage shower filters and water filters are relatively inexpensive and easy to use. Less than 50 cents a day you can enjoy the comfort and safety of both types of filters! And the peace of mind that you are inhaling or drinking water that is safe and free, or almost free of organic and inorganic contaminants. Another reason under a desk or countertop drinking water filter that can THM gas, air and steam cooking water. As well as the shower, inhaled chemicals entering the bloodstream and a much faster rate than if you drank the water.

In recent years, the threat of chlorine and studies show the health consequences was enough to motivate many people to buy chlorine shower filters and water filters. However, tri-halogen and other impurities caused by the media and health professionals tout them as a necessity for most everyone. While some of the shower water filters and filter media can only take advantage of a high-quality two-stage and multi-stage water filter shower water filter system is the best overall protection in price, quality and performance.

Remember, if you are looking for a water filter, a charcoal filter is not enough. Literally thousands of chemical substances may be carcinogenic in the water. Trichloroethylene (TCE), used for cleaning metal parts, the other is difficult to pronounce chemical comes off the water supply. The relationship between long-term exposure to unhealthy carcinogens in the water just keeps getting stronger, so look into purchasing a full house or shower filters and water filters. They are very cheap compared to the cost of the potentially devastating health problems and the use of unfiltered water.

Source by David Thimme

Ways to test the quality demineralised water

There are different types of clean water, but among the two most commercially popular distilled and deionized water. Generally they are the same in the sense that the two do not contain ions and minerals, and essentially only water. However, the maintenance of the quality depends on the customers to store them.

Many people do not understand what deionized or DI water and often compares it to other bottled water in grocery stores. But this kind of fluid is not like a typical commercial sold in stores. It can normally be obtained commercially bottled distilled water, and these alternate. DI water is also referred to as deionized water, and the term suggests, this is different from a bottled mineral.

Water is demineralized in its purest form is available on the market. Water companies should cleanse such an extent that it will be demineralized. Many companies use this kind of water in production and maintenance. For example, cleaning of equipment may require application of the clear water of the last rinse. Chemical laboratories use the same cleaning glassware, because ordinary water to produce balance sheets and stains.

The removal of ions based on a hard process equipment, which is called the resin bed. Sophisticated deionization process, the water passes through the two resin beds, one to remove to remove negative ions (Cl-, sulfates, and positive ions (Ca ++, Mg ++, Fe +++, and K +), and next carbonates). Of course, not all ions are removed, but almost all ions are lost after the process. The process, thus resulting in the purest form of existing water planet.

The best way to test the quality of water running resistance and conductivity test. These two tests provide information that leads to the water sample and resistance to electricity. Since ions are electrical wires, their presence raises the conductivity of the liquid level. Meaning, if plain water into electricity that conducts electricity. Clean water is itself a non-conductive material is covalently.

Therefore, the lower the conductivity, the smaller the content of the ionic liquid. The highest quality deionized water is added to the lowest conductivity. Consequently, it must be a high resistance measurements. Conductivity and resistance commonly used in testing the quality of DI water. However, these tests can not determine the presence of the organic material.

deionization water only removes charged particles, and does not remove the organic solutes, which are unfilled. Some people think that this inability of the process to remove other impurities ions makes it effective. However, deionization process is not used in any raw water. Companies are running raw water of different filtering methods to remove sediment, microorganisms and organic before passing through an ion exchange resin bed.

The various manufacturers of demineralized water purchased in bulk to save shipping costs or delivery. Many homeowners also do the same thing.

Source by Jo Alelsto

Natural Remedies for ovarian cysts – Water helps to alleviate ovarian cyst Pain

One of the many great thing about natural remedies for ovarian cyst is a simple and safe method to help relieve pain associated with having ovarian cysts. Surprisingly, drinking plenty of water will help reduce the swelling of the stomach, relieves pain and pelvic area. However, drinking the right kind of water going to make a huge difference.

Women suffer from the pain of the ovary and the cyst would like some sort of relief, while the face of the natural remedies for ovarian cysts, and one of the best things you can do is to drink at least ten glasses of water every day.

Now I know that there is no way the world thinks you will be able to drink a lot of water every day. Already I feel pathetic and perhaps even feel swollen and large, the drink that much water is only going to make matters worse.

But if you sit down and really think about it, if you drink more water to see what happens. Then you go to the bathroom more often, which means that the body expelling all the extra water stored. And along with that stored water all the bad toxins accumulate. These same toxins may be the culprit behind cysts begin.

You see, food to eat today are filled with chemicals, toxins, hormones, pesticides and many other things. Our bodies are not capable of all these unnatural chemicals, so they are stored in the liver, which slowly release toxins from the body. Natural remedies for ovarian cysts take over drinking more water, so that the body begins to wash the toxins.

But what type of water you drink that can be played in the development of ovarian cysts it is a part.

If you have any type of plumbing system where the supply of chlorinated water, do not drink the water immediately. Again, the hard body of chlorinated water to treat and chemicals will be stored in the liver in the water. And one of the most alarming thing chlorinated tap water studies show drinking, because it may increase the risk of cancer is 93 percent. Just one good reason not to drink tap water.

If you can not install a quality water filter on the kitchen faucet, do yourself a big favor running out to the store and buy high-quality bottled water. Even distilled water is better than the tap water is not mounted filter.

And if you thought that drinking that much water goes, you're at the mercy of the bladder, it is only for a short period of time.

If you leave the stored water and fresh water starts to be replaced, the roads in the bathroom should return to normal, what most people do not know. With just drink more water using a natural remedy for ovarian cyst, the cyst will help ease the pain and begin to get rid of the toxins that have built up inside your body

Source by Tara Tucker

A close comparison of water filters – Berkey Water Filter Vs Propur

Berkey water filter systems are good, but that does not mean that without competition. Propur makes water filtration system. It's just a matter of will, you can decide which one is best and why. We can start Berkey water systems.

The biggest advantage is that Berkey systems

Berkey gravity systems. This means that you should not use any electricity in order to want to clean, safe drinking water. The economy is bad and you do not want to add any cost to go to increase the budget. The benefits do not end there though. You may also find these systems, portable size, so take it with you if you want to travel. This means that you will never be without access to clean water.

a safer alternative to bottled water

Your people love to spend money on bottled water? Think about how much money is spent on bottled water every year. If you add up the cost of a water system can be easily Berkey or Propur. Bottled water is also said that it is not good for you, especially because it comes in plastic bottles. Berkey offers a lower-cost solution that allows you to store the bottled water is good.

Berkey is health conscious people

When you know what you're putting into your body easier for you to make the right decisions. Berkey systems for those who want a safe, cost-effective solution when it comes to clean drinking water. It has also come to those good people who want water only in an emergency.

Propur water systems

Propur water systems use gravity to purify water. They are just as economical and easy to use as Berkey systems. You will not need to use all the power to them, and you can get a reliable clean water virtually anywhere, anytime you want. You can have clean water at home, at work, when on vacation, camping, or even sleep inside the college.

The filter system is a great deal Propur "polished" polished stainless steel. This means that going to last a long time, and they also look pretty nice. The filter elements, which can provide up to 3,000 liters of water before you need to replace them.

given that there are not too many differences between Berkey water filter systems and Propur, it will be difficult to decide which one to get. The best way to do that is to have a look at the entire product line, and the system which appeal to you most. In addition, there may be some difference in cost, which is pushing to select a system like the other. However, they are priced to be affordable and will not break the bank at all.

Source by James B. Tony

water damage restoration and maintenance solutions

If you & # 39; and there was water damage to the commercial or residential real estate, you do not have to wait and call the professionals from a reputable water restoration company. In some cases we can do to restore their own, but there is too much risk to take up a DIY project. Let & # 39; and a close look at the services provided by water restoration company.

* 24/7

professional water restoration companies operate 24/7 basis. Time is very important when it comes to water damage restoration and any delay dramatically increases the losses additional recovery costs. If the flood was due to any pipe burst, turn off the water tap and call the professionals as soon as possible. If you save water because of flooding, flood, hurricane, or the roof leaks, you do not have to wait for a moment and call a water restoration company to minimize losses.

* Expert help insurance claims

The water restoration company can do much more, such as water purification and restoration of your home or office . They are you, an insurance professional who prepares the paperwork and help the entire insurance claims process. Despite claims to the insurance of any damage to property it seems simple, but the insurance company will do everything necessary to get a smaller amount. Professional help from an insurance professional, you can save a lot of time and effort, and you'll get the check, which can spread easily from all recovery costs.

* Professional Equipment

water restoration company uses commercial grade appliances and equipment such as nozzles, portable water extraction units, dehumidifiers, pumps, humidity and moisture meters, fans, truck mounted extraction units and soon. All of these tools help remove water and recover within the home or office hours.

* Technical know how

This is where the water restoration company that offers the most value. It may take hours to study and research to figure out the best recovery plan for the property, while the professionals with years of hands on experience immediately go to work and restore the property in the most cost-effective and efficient manner. They can also advise on potential problems in the construction of the building in the future can lead to water damage issues.

Therefore, conclusions & # 39; It s best to call a professional water restoration company as soon as the water damage to the property. The sooner you & # 39; I call them, the smaller the loss. These companies also guarantee that the estimates will be accepted by the insurance company. This means that you do not spend anything pockets of hiring these professionals.

Source by Aaron Fiedling Parker

Basic functions of a water filtration cartridge

is a water filter cartridge in the central part of the water filtration system, which controls the water type, which produces the system. The water filter unit housed in a cartridge and connects the water filter cartridge each other.

The water filter cartridge is central to the smooth operation of the water filtration system. This is the part of the system where the purification actually takes place. So it is very important to understand how the effectiveness of this definition in order to operate the filter you choose to use. Although there is no perfect water filter that will completely remove all contaminants in the water, a combination of both can be multiple water filter cartridge that comes with just short.

One type of water filter cartridges for sediment cartridge. It has the ability to remove fine particles, such as sand, mud, asbestos, silt and turbidity of the water. Therefore, these products are usually rated based on the type and size of the particles can not be removed. The smaller the micron (thousandths of a millimeter), the smaller the particle size can be filtered.

sediment laden water filter cartridge is generally composed of polyester, cellulose fibers or other porous ceramic materials. These materials are very cheap compared to other materials used cartridges, and this is where sediment cartridges got another name for low-cost infiltration cartridges. In general, treatment of these cartridges involves washing frequently. But this is not possible, the individual brands, so a replacement is the only option.

Another type of water filter cartridge carbon cartridges. It is normally activated carbon or carbon fiber block, which are used to de-chlorinate the water and remove THMs, lead, endrin, herbicides / pesticides, radon, and toluene in water. Compared to the sediment cartridge, removing carbon cartridges finer particles and helps to clarify the water and removes the accumulated taste it. Unfortunately, there is no way to clean these types of cartridges. Thus, replacement is the only option, but it takes more than the sediment.

Carbon cartridges are usually more expensive than sediment water filter cartridge. However, it is proven to be more effective water purification. This is because the porous material is used, and the newer technology.

Because the best water filter system consists of a combination of these two cleaning water filter cartridge would be the best two phases. The first step usually involves the use of the pellet cartridge, which is slightly larger particles are removed. The second step, while the use of activated carbon cartridge, which removes the finer particles.

Water filter cartridges are available in a large number of hardware stores and water supplies store. The cost varies according to the model using the filter, and capacity. It may seem costly. But the benefits and the benefits that go with it is priceless.

Source by John Lim Cher Sern

The truth about bottled spring water

Have you taken a look at the label on the ever-present bottle of water lately? It probably says something like "mountain spring water". Now, take a close look at the full-color drawings also graces the label, in this case, a bottle of Arrowhead spring water. (If this is not the arrowhead in the area, it Ozarka and Deer Park, Ice Mountain Poland Spring, as all are owned by Nestlé Waters.)

This is not a peaceful scene? A beautiful blue sky with fluffy white clouds, lush evergreen trees and a silver-blue mountain stream in a clean, cool water bubbling out of it. I & # 39; m, assuming that the spring is surrounded by the water comes to the virtual stream.

Each of bottled spring water seems to show mountains and beautiful scenery and pure spring water. These images are the cause. The company is trying to create an image about coming spring water in your head nice, clean mountain when, in reality, is a hole in the ground.

That & # 39; s not to say that the spring water is good to drink because you are assured that – at least better than the tap water! But it is only fair that you know exactly where it comes from. It does not come with a remote mountain spring water, picturesque setting, as the advertisements would have you believe. When the source is a spring water company, a new bottling plant will be built there in the water source. This is supposed to help keep off any dirt from the water, but that does not prevent it from happening.

Contamination of water resources something not too many people know. Maybe too busy putting down bottled water of choice & # 39; s nemesis, which is purified water. We & # 39; ll get back to the pollution problem for a moment, but now only the & # 39; and what he was purified bottled water.

purified water sold just plain old bottled water. Often, it is water or a municipal tap water which has been treated with, or reverse osmosis, distillation, deionization or, in order to remove the bacteria or the solutes. This further processing, in addition to what the government & # 39; s water department has already taken to process and purify the water, still allows the water to keep some of the natural flavor, and this is the reason that many people prefer over boiling water. It & # 39; and an estimated 25 percent of all bottled water comes from city / municipal supply.

If you buy bottled spring water, likely a product that is a little different than the purified municipal water. You & # 39; It led to believe that spring water is excellent, and the labels on the water is usually all they can to nurture the faith with those we spoke earlier images. But these labels are misleading. Recently, two big-name brand that was supposedly the source of water called job advertising, we found that the municipal water source water! Those names were changed to reflect this, but many people were fooled for long.

The only way to be labeled bottled water, spring water, when you come to a spring. Now, you probably read that I thought, "Of course!" But the whole problem is that spring! Spring water flows naturally to the earth & # 39; s surface from a source that is under the ground. The water must be struck directly in the spring, or a "hole" which may be as close as possible to the spot where the water comes out naturally. If a pump is used, the water, or any machine which forces the outside of the spring, and the water that is pumped out, should be exactly the same as the water naturally flows out, as far as composition and quality goes.

Sounds good, does not it? Well, this hole can easily become contaminated, as well as the spot where the spring coming out of the ground. And because the Food and Drug Administration & # 39; s rules allow bottled water to some form of contamination, there is a lot that can be done. These impurities include fecal coliform or E. coli, which has two bacteria that point was added to the fecal matter in the water. Tap water pollution rules prohibit any of these bacteria. Since purified water bottles made from tap water, it goes without saying that this type of bottled water would be much safer and taste better than spring water.

Bottled water is not necessary to examine the parasite known as cryptosporidium and giardia. Cryptosporidium is a type of protozoa that cause diarrhea. In healthy people, the infection may not last too long, but the children and people of the immune system, it will be quite severe and may refuse all medical attempts to stop him.

Giardia are often found in unsafe water. In fact, water is the main source of infection.

Giardia can cause a person to swell, you may experience nausea, abdominal cramps and watery diarrhea are. They also lose up to ten percent of body weight been infected with the parasite. It takes two to six weeks to improve infection, but have been known to become chronic Giardia and last months and years.

Potential impurities bottled spring water and parasites, or both are small, but there. The purified water is much safer for you and your family, if at all worried about the cleanliness of the water you drink.

Source by Jon M. Stout

drink in front of the advantages of boiling water

water before cooked consumption is one of the recommended practice of health officers, especially in Third World countries, where the source of drinking water is unsafe, and sometimes the reasons for each occurrence of common diseases of the for children.

Those living in remote areas and far-flung farms Barrios is one of the victims of these water-borne diseases due to catching a communicable disease drinking unsafe water.

to ward off the impending event waterborne diseases, source of drinking water is the safest way. Studies show that the water is boiled for three minutes to destroy bacteria, including disease-causing organisms and Giardia cysts. However, boiling concentrates inorganic impurities such as nitrates and sulfates. The water, which has passed heating procedure, the flavor is flat, because the carbon dioxide is removed.

The most developed countries, safe drinking water and & # 39; has managed to meet international safety standards, not like the poor countries that & # 39; ve to dwell on that particular innovation only to safe drinking water to the population.


drinking water and heating only the best alternative.

8 Benefits

1. Kills some bacteria, viruses, cysts and worms.

2. The simplest and easiest way to remove pathogens in water disinfection.

3 removes some microorganisms and certain chemicals and other components may be present in drinking water.

several classes 4. Effective in killing pathogens like water; bacterial spores, fungi, protozoa and helminth ova.

5. There is no need to develop skills in boiling water until cooked to the proper temperature to kill heating water-borne diseases.

6. The opposite the fresh tap water is safe.

7. Drinking boiled water everyday will increase the blood flow.

8. Some studies suggest that drinking hot water, removing some built-in inserts nervous system. These deposits responsible for creating negative thoughts and emotions.

There is still much to learn about the importance of boiling water against the security of our body disease some of the major diseases caused some people especially children and adults who are at risk safe drinking water.

Source: Sobsey, 2002; Skinner and Shaw, 2004; WHO, 2004a, P. Laurent, et al. Household drinking water systems and their impact on people with weakened Immunity, MSF-Holland, Public Health Depart, Eubank, Wanda, et al. Univ. Missouri Extension.

Source by Crisologo Ramasasa