"I never drink water!" – So you dried up?

It's almost proud, right? From the hard drink to the tea, from the coffee makers to the child of the kola, "water" is a dirty word.

Are people in fact rare rare mammals that need very little water to survive? After all, unlike the desert creatures, we have no built-in water protection mechanism. Once you've read the early Dune science fiction books, you've seen what can be done to get us – the "still suit" – but it's hardly real. No, we are not built for low water consumption at all. So why do so many people think that a few pints of fluid are given daily and diuretics? Like alcohol and caffeine cola, tea and coffee? I do not think we're thinking about it. We just think about comfort. To pee uncomfortable time loss, avoiding the intake of many liquids seems reasonable. But a serious price should be saved to save a few minutes a day.

If you are one of those people with low water consumption – and there are so many – you may wonder how many alarms you get and how fast this "slow" feeling is when you start drinking properly. The doctors will not miss them for any reason!

Miracle Poison Eliminators

One of the fastest ways to attract severe body decompensation, Remove poisons. Our body is constantly causing waste. It's part of the state of life. Feces are obvious; It breathes (throws carbon dioxide); And sweating eliminates another salt and other chemicals.

Urine is also a major waste disposal. It is the end product of a complex process chain that begins with waste treatment from all cells of our body. Throughout their lives and work, all our cells absorb nutrients and oxygen and dispose of the waste directly through the cell wall like lactic acid. Our blood and lymphatic system are taken for processing in the liver and our kidneys extract the liver from the liver, store it in the bladder, and pump it regularly. Fine, so far.

Water is vital to health

The point is that these processes are a function of proper water supply at work. Dehydrated cells are not able to properly select the toxins. One of the results is muscle spasm. The other's weakness is to think straight as the brain's functional faults. Why? Low water in the blood and lymphatic system is very dangerous, and your body almost everywhere in the body eats this water to keep the blood function without which you will soon die – especially from every cell of the body. And if you consume a high-salt diet like most of us, the body needs more water to maintain blood and cell hydration balance. Or again, you die – painfully. Concentrated urine is an early symptom of dehydration and may cause all kinds of malfunction, including kidney and gall bladder. Birds have a mechanism to drain virtually all urine water and give the familiar white rocket to its head. But we do not have that ability. When urine is too concentrated, this is a sign of trouble.

The classic result of dehydration is hallucinations (those who are "lost in the desert" stories) because your brain deprives the water to remain in the lives of others. Oh, and if it's dry, it can cause digestive problems, mainly constipation.

But we do not have to go too far on this road to make the dehydration disadvantage. Early symptoms are loss of concentration as the water is attacked by our brain to keep everything else. This can be really costly. Migraine and headache are another. So, if you do not want to avoid pain or lose money with bad decisions or risk of an accident, keep hydration – drink!

How Much Water Should You Drink?

Easy to do: Follow the advice of a well-known doctor to drink seven glasses of water a day. You will find that you are getting more and more alert, and perhaps the headache and the migraine you feel under stress disappear. And of course, you have to pee more often – but it's natural and healthy!

Water may be any drinking water that is not a diuretic (see above). So soup, milk, juice, herbal teas, and so on, everything matters. Water is not in food if you are very rich in water and do not forget to count calories of such drinks as part of your meals. It's not my fault if you get fat! And drink it constantly on the day of waking – not liter at a time!

Do you want more specific guidance? There are three simple tips to help you with the right amount of water:

TIP: Calculation of Daily Water Requirements

The calculation of optimum water intake is the roughest rule you have to do once.

  • £, drinking a glass of water a day for a pound of body weight. So, if weighs 150 pounds, then drink 150/2 = 75 ounces of water per day. It's just 5 pints US, less than 4 pints Imperial.
  • Thus, if weighs 70 kg, take 70 x 3/100 = 210/100 = 2 every day, 1 liter of water (the same per kilogram) – only 2 liters.

This is comparable to many water, but it is not. Most mammals voluntarily have similar water intake. Only people who stubbornly endure drinking only for short-term comfort and despite getting these natural "thirsty" signs. You can see below how little all the hours are.

TIP: Spotted Dehydration

First find concentration loss. If you forgot to drink for the past one or two hours, you probably found the reason. Take care of urine concentrations as well. Most people urinate deep in yellow, and this is normal. But most people are dehydrated! A simple motto: PEE PALE. It's so simple. Apart from the first time you go through the day, or if you are sick or poisonous, such as whiskey and fast detoxification, wait for the urine to be pale. If it gets stronger, a stronger deeper yellow, drink it! This is really so simple. And yes, you may have to look into the bowl to check it out. Not really so big, is not it? I'll bet if you're a man, you'll find yourself in the next sinking of public dresses – just to check what color … Betcha!

THIRD TIP: Daily Balance

The body naturally is good for maintaining water balance – if not as badly dehydrated as many Westerners. If it is a bit dry, your kidneys will allow less water to enter into the bladder's stronger concentrate – this is where the lighter yellow purée comes from.

Suppose you do not piss, even if you get the signal that your bladder is full and you need them (an astonishing 3-hour movie, dehydrated and water-deficient, then your kidneys stop the waste And poison levels begin to rise in the blood, many are at a high level at all times and concentrations and body processes, such as effective digestion and removal of cellular waste, are deteriorating

If the other extremes There is a lot of water in the blood, then the bladder is quickly filled up, it needs to peel faster and its puddles will be very pale

Within the borders, you may have difficulty with the rather large difference in water withdrawal But if you are seriously over or too hydrated, You will get an abnormal condition

If it is best for regular water consumption, it is best to be awake. (If you slept, the system stops pretty well, so a high glass of water is a good pre-connection when you wake up.)

Suppose you're 130 kilos, 150 pounds, and an optimum Around three liters a day. If you are awake at 16 hours a day, you will be ca. 200 ml, and one hour you eat a meal that is mostly water – say, fruit or soup. If you are a nice lady and you need two liters a day, 150 ml / hr. Now, even if you are a dehydrated majority, it's not necessarily a great deal to drink, right?

If you find it dry or recognized, I forgot to drink for several hours, immediately drink an hour, then in 20 minutes for half an hour. This retracts the course and your body quickly equilibrates. What you should not do is try to replace the missing liquid. You've already adapted to the loss, and that's something that will eat you all at once.

Be aware of water balance management

These are very rough And the readiness for tips 1 and 3, so do not get too drowsy. (You may have noticed that the pounds and pounds are not exactly the same, but they can be worked out.) If you give the amount shown by two, we're treating your kidneys too much – not a good thing. If you drink halfway, it's very dry. Make sense … 19459002

If you are taking diuretics, you will force your kidneys to develop more water than you need, so you drink too often. The result is that you have to drink more to stay hydrated. The most common diuretic drinks contain stimulants such as caffeine and taurine, or alcohol, or both of them! Therefore, it is strongly needed for alcoholic beverages, especially shorts, liqueurs and water for wine specialties. So tea, coffee, chocolate, colza and sports / energy drinks (like Red Bull) will be made, and the stronger they are, the more water you have to balance. Each one contains toxins, and otherwise causes detoxification, so finding the right balance is not easy. Weak tea or coffee, or most of the cola, does not have to balance much water. Powerful things like extra strong tea, coffee pants and taurine kick sports drinks need more water than the drink to balance. Italians do not drink water with coffee-making for nothing! One last point: if you sweat freely, the rules change differently. Of course, I mean extreme circumstances such as blood temperature, humidity, or hard work in a very hot environment, or where they are super-hard working anywhere. Examples: Long-distance runners, cyclists and swimmers; Underground coal miners; furnacemen; Shot blasts complete remote air drive, cane cutters. Under such circumstances, you can quickly select more water than the body can afford. You can lose too much salt, few of the situations where salt may be deficient. The answer, just like heavy sweating, is to drink extra water to get back into sweat losses, giving you a pinch of salt each liter. There is no need for expensive special drinks – if you need sugar to fill your blood sugar level, use honey or low-sour juice (eg dinnye) in the water. There is no home-brewing poison in the home beer and you know what you get.

Overall, your approach to hydration needs to be simple: make sense. Your 2nd Tip is a common sense guide – a pisil!

Happy drink!

Source by David Croucher

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